
An explanation for swaping.

Connect Wallet

A wallet must first be connected in order to use Cripto Archi Finance services.

Connect Wallet (Sevice)

Swap Page

The swap page is largely categorized into two sections. On the right is the pool list, and the elements for the actual swap is on the left.

The ETH/CATG pool is selected as default.

Swaps are made between the two assets that make up the pool.

The asset on the left is the asset you hold, and the asset on the right is the asset you want to swap. The picture above shows when you want to "Swap ETH for CAT."

Click the switch button between the asset boxes to swap the positions of the left and right assets.

The box shows the exchange rate between the KRW and the asset, and the asset balance held by the user's account.

The price of ETH in KRW uses the price provided by Upbit. The price of the asset corresponding to ETH is calculated by converting the exchange rate of ETH into KRW—if the ETH price changes, the corresponding asset price also changes.

Input Amount

Quantities are based on the assets held on the left.

When the amount is entered, the assets that can be swapped for the amount entered are automatically calculated according to the exchange rate (price).

Archi Swap does not allow exchanges if the price impact exceeds 15%.

Slippage Tolerance

Set Slippage

The minimum quantity the user can receive is calculated based on the setting. The swap will be unsuccessful if it falls outside the slippage tolerance. In other words—if you receive an amount less than the minimum quantity—the transaction for the swap will be treated as a failure and the actual exchange will not take pla


The swap fee for ArchieSwap is 0.2%. Fees are paid by input asset. Therefore, when calculating the actual amount of assets that you want to swap, the amount of input assets minus the fee is used.

Approve Spending Limits

Approval of token transfer (Service)


Click the "Swap" button.

Last updated