Swap Pool Status

An explanation for the swap pool status.

The swap pool status is divided into user pool status and total amount staked.

The user pool status provides information about the liquidity that users have added to the pool.

  • User Pool Status

    • The total liquidity supplied is shown in Korean Won.

    • The amount of LP received after supplying the liquidity, and the ratio of user-supplied liquidity to pool-wide liquidity is shown.

    • The amount of ETH and CAT supplied is shown.

The ETH and CAT is the amount supplied by the user plus a fee.

  • Total Stake (TVL)

    • Displays the amount of ETH, CAT and their sum for the total liquidity supplied to the pool.

The current transaction status, transaction history, market price, and chart is shown.

Archi Swap distinguishes between trading hours and after-hours transactions. The trading hours are from 8:00 am to 10:00 pm.

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