
An explanation for listing Ethereum assets on Archi Swap.

What is listing?

In Swap—a decentralized exchange—listing is the first supply of liquidity to create a liquidity pool

It means that anyone can create a liquidity pool because anyone can supply the first liquidity without the pool. In can even be done without Cripto Archi Finance services since you only need to call on a contract function called liquidity supply.

Then what is listing in Archi Swap?

Listing in Archi Swap means providing a user interface (screen) for user convenience.

Archi Swap provides a pool made of asset pairs in the swap pool list, and provides a screen where you can swap, add liquidity, and remove liquidity when the corresponding pool is selected. It also provides users' liquidity supply status, transactions, market prices and charts in the exchange po


Unlike other swaps that focuses on supplying liquidity such as Uniswap—Archi Swap focuses on making many exchanges possible.

  • The fee is set at 0.2%.

    • Most swaps forked from Uniswap V2 set a transaction fee of 0.3%.

    • 0.15% of the exchange fee is paid to the liquidity provider, and 0.05% is used as the protocol fee. Protocol fees are used by Archi Swap operations and governance decisions.

In most swaps, the initial liquidity supply is provided by a foundation—the foundation wants the asset (token) swap to occur smoothly rather than the fee from the supply. Taking this into account, the fee was lowered from 0.3% to 0.2%.

Liquidity providers can also benefit from additional methods such as interest farming— fees are a bit lower than the infrequent exchanges, but frequent exchanges allow liquidity providers to earn more.

Compared to global services such as Uniswap, Archi Swap provides a user interface and help service that can be used conveniently by domestic users.

Global services such as Uniswap are difficult to contact when faced with a problem, and even if you do, they do not respond appropriately. Archi Swap solves issues or problems by responding promptly and actively through the community (Telegram group).

Unlike central exchanges such as Upbit—it is possible to increase and decrease the gap since we categorize after-hours trading. It allows you to use a more versatile method of chart analysis as you would in stock trading. After-hours transaction is from 22:00 to 08:00 the next day.

It is not an analysis that is difficult to read like Uniswap but provides transaction history, market prices, and charts just like the analysis method of central exchanges such as Upbit.


Trust should not come from the operating entity or the total stake in decentralized finance but consist of confirming the information displayed in the wallet when signing the distributed contract and transaction. This is however for justification—from an investor’s perspective, the issue of trust in Archi Swap can be raised from the small TVL of Cripto Archi Finance.

CAT and CATG—representative assets of Cripto Archi Finance—have already been listed and serviced in Archi Swap since June. Etherscan’s verification of this can show that the Archi Swap is reliable enough.

Last updated