Investment Pool

An explanation for the information provided by the investment pool status.

When you select an investment pool from the pool list, the relevant investment pool status is provided.

  • User

    • The deposit amount and the amount in KRW is provided.

      • Payment is in Archi Dollar.

    • The total return on investment the user has earned from the investment pool, as well as the income that was claimed and not claimed, and its amount in KRW is provided.

      • Income is paid in CAT.

  • Total Stake

    • The sum of the current total deposit, interest income deposited in the pool, and the amount in KRW is provided.

      • Interest will be paid in Archi Dollars by Archi Bank.

  • Undivided Interest

    • Interest and performance fees that are not used for purchasing CAT are provided.

      • Interest will be paid in Archi Dollars by Archi Bank.

  • Frequency, Last Pay Date, Next Pay Date

    • Frequency represents the frequency of purchasing CAT with the interest.

    • The last pay date represents the most recent pay date.

    • The next pay date represents the date when the CAT will be purchased with interest and paid to investors. It is the value obtained by adding the frequency to the last pay date.

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