Add Liquidity

An explanation for adding liquidity.

Connect Wallet

A wallet must first be connected in order to use Cripto Archi Finance services.

Connect Wallet (Sevice)

Add Liquidity Page

The add liquidity page is largely categorized into two sections. On the right is the pool list, and the elements for actually adding liquidity is on the left.

The ETH/CATG pool is selected as default.

Adding liquidity is made between the two assets that make up the pool. The two assets added as liquidity must have the same value.

Input Amount

Asset value is calculated by the price (exchange ratio) between two assets. When the quantity of one asset is entered, the quantity of the other asset is calculated automatically.

The user must have the amount that was input and automatically calculated. Otherwise, the calculated value is displayed in red.

Slippage Tolerance Setting

Set Slippage

Pool Share

It is the ratio of liquidity to be added by users to the percentage of the total liquidity supplied to the pool.

The swap fee is divided according to the pool share. The fee is not managed separately and is paid when liquidity is removed.

User Pool Status

Displays current user-supplied liquidity in terms of asset quantity and pool share

Approve Spending Limits

Approval of token transfer (Service)

Add Liquidity

Click the add liquidity button.

Last updated